Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Feast and Ending of the Hunger Games

Katniss leaves out the cave after having peeta fall asleep with the medicine. She had promised him she wouldn't go but i knew katniss would do this, shes is such a good person, she would never let someone die like how peeta will be if he doesn't get medicine. I really hope Katniss doesn't get caught by cato or thresh, they will tear her apart... fast too. Shes at the feast and there is that girl Clove who was trying so hard to kill katniss. She from district 2, all of a sudden i see clove on top of katniss with a knife and ready to kill her. I feel my stomach drop and think this is the end, i will watch katniss die on television... the last time i will ever see her. Then I see thresh over clove with a rock, at first i thought hes going to kill katniss but he lets her go and pounds clove to her death with a rock. At disgust i think how katniss could have dies that way but thresh let her go? Maybe it was because of rues death? I was happy katniss got away though. I think she might have a chance to win the games.
Peetas better after katniss retrieves the medicine at the feast for his leg and they are looking for food. I remembered how katniss had a book her father made that she used when we hunted for food that tell what plants are okay to eat and what aren't. Then i see katniss run, she had told peeta their call was a whistle to make sure that they were okay. She didn't get one back so she started running for her life, I could tell she was scared and she finally finds peeta. He had a bunch of poisonous berries and katniss seems mad but then tells him they are poisonous. All of a sudden I see the hover craft come and pick up one of the female careers and a cannon go off. Katniss said she might have eaten one of the berries and died. A quick horrifying thought comes to mind, What if cato find were they are?
They all of a sudden are fighting cato and these big mutated looking wolves are around them ready to kill. I see cato fall and they are tearing him apart, all i could think was hope gross this was and a horrible way to die. A announcement goes off that the capitol changed their mind and their can only be one career to live. Katniss looks teary eyed and she pulls the pouch of poisonous berries from her belt, her and peeta count down and are just about to eat the berries then the announcements go off and they say two people from the same district can win. I get this spark of happiness knowing that katniss was coming back home. Yet my qustion is will everything be the same way it was before?

The Announcements

Two people from the same district can win the hunger game ? i thought. I couldn't even believe they would change the rules, they never do. After that announcement went off Katniss screamed for peeta, does she really like him? I stopped watching for a while, then i got up and I had seen that katniss found peeta and was helping him into a near by cave. She started to set down all the her gear and lay down the sleeping bag and lay peeta there. I saw her pull out her mint leaves and chew them up then spit them out on peeta leg wound.
Pus and blood ran down his leg and i could tell Katniss was grossed out and want to throw up. She never really had the patience and ability that her mother and sister had. They were able to fix anybodies arms, legs, and fingers what ever the case maybe. After katniss was done she wrapped up peetas leg she touched his forehead. She said that he had a high fever and had to rest. I noticed she put the chewed up mint leaves on the tracker jackers just how rue showed her. They were going down but since his leg was so infected and  he had the tracker jacker stings for a while it resulted in a fever. I wonder if Katniss would do the same for me. I have a feeling if katniss makes it through the games she wont be the same anymore.

Tracker Jackers!

Peetas with the careers now, they are targeting katniss. How I really want to just punch I'm in the face, katniss has done nothing to deserve to get teamed up on by about 6 people. Shes sleeping in the tree all the way above the ground. I could tell she uncomfortable sleeping in a sleeping bag in a tree, the careers were down below waiting for morning so they can get a hold of katniss and kill her. I notice katniss looks down at a bush then her eyes move slowly at a branch above her.
 Her eyes are big and I could tell she was scared... Tracker Jacker! They are big mutated wasp that supposedly the capitol made, they have a gold body and can make stings the size of a plum. The sun was staring to come up and katniss reached for her belt and pulled the knife out. She started at the branch back and forth back and forth. You could tell that it was hurting her hands and she was trying to hurry before the  careers woke up. Finally the tree branch was breaking a part from the tree, then katniss grabs her neck and makes a face of pain. She was stung, and then she got got stung in the leg twice by two big tracker jackers. Finally the branch breaks apart and falls down below on the careers, all you can see is everyone running from the area screaming " RUN TO THE LAKE!" and the one girl who was sleeping was getting full of stings and falls limp to the ground. All I could think about was where did katniss go? Is she okay? Will she not be able to survive the tracker jacker stings?

In the Arena

"LET THE GAMES BEGIN" I heard my mom say and then a the capitol hits the gong. I see katniss staring at peeta causing a delay in her being able to grab the arrows I saw her staring at. I suddenly see her fighting over a bag with the boy from district nine. All of a sudden the boy coughs out blood and it splatters all over katniss face and neck. Katniss looks stunned and confused, from far I could see the girl from district two had about 12 knifes in her hand.
 She was staring at katniss ready to throw the knife at her, all of a sudden I see the knife slicing the air going straight for katniss. Katniss realizes that the girl is targeting her, she starts to run. Instead of the knife piercing through katniss, it got caught in her book bag. She takes the knife out from the bag and I noticed she grins, shes good at throwing too. Katniss is in the woods looking around, I can tell that shes thinking of what to do next. She put the knife in her belt, I couldn't help but think that she needs to keep an eye out for more careers. If Prim wasn't chosen this would have never happened.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Katniss at the Capitol

" THE GIRL WHO WAS ON FIRE!" that's all you hear on the television. I see katniss holding peetas hand and both their capes were on fire. Wow katniss looks nice I thought to myself, I wish I was their with katniss but the remark I had told her from that we could run off and live together haunts me. What if she doesn't like me anymore? or does she think I'm weird cause I asked her about running away from her family for me?

  Many questions come to mind I couldn't really focus on the television. I look up and see katniss blowing kisses to the people at the capitol. Katniss? I thought, has katniss changed already? She would never do something of that sort. I see peeta and katniss gripping hands tightly that their red. I see katniss turning over to peeta and he mumbles something to her. If only i could have been their peeta would know not to talk to katniss, shes mine. What? I'm talking as if shes my girlfriend or something. I hope she wins these hunger games and comes home and hopefully everything sill be normal again.