Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tracker Jackers!

Peetas with the careers now, they are targeting katniss. How I really want to just punch I'm in the face, katniss has done nothing to deserve to get teamed up on by about 6 people. Shes sleeping in the tree all the way above the ground. I could tell she uncomfortable sleeping in a sleeping bag in a tree, the careers were down below waiting for morning so they can get a hold of katniss and kill her. I notice katniss looks down at a bush then her eyes move slowly at a branch above her.
 Her eyes are big and I could tell she was scared... Tracker Jacker! They are big mutated wasp that supposedly the capitol made, they have a gold body and can make stings the size of a plum. The sun was staring to come up and katniss reached for her belt and pulled the knife out. She started at the branch back and forth back and forth. You could tell that it was hurting her hands and she was trying to hurry before the  careers woke up. Finally the tree branch was breaking a part from the tree, then katniss grabs her neck and makes a face of pain. She was stung, and then she got got stung in the leg twice by two big tracker jackers. Finally the branch breaks apart and falls down below on the careers, all you can see is everyone running from the area screaming " RUN TO THE LAKE!" and the one girl who was sleeping was getting full of stings and falls limp to the ground. All I could think about was where did katniss go? Is she okay? Will she not be able to survive the tracker jacker stings?

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